Boundless Love MedicalWe treat, God heals
Quality medical services every day
At your service because you deserve it
At your service because you deserve it
We are (NPO) Non Profit Organization that provides quality and accessible healthcare services to the underserved communities in rural areas in Kenya.
We work in partnership with the ministry of health, community members, churches, local and international volunteers surrounding the area of Machakos county, Kathiani sub county.
We believe it’s in the rural Kenya where there are many people in need of quality healthcare and food. Our organization focuses on helping the rural community people on general health care, disease prevention methods and trainings, and nutrition.
To close the gap of poverty in developing Sub- Saharan Countries of Africa by providing accessible healthcare services to marginalized communities in rural areas.
To provide innovative, free and quality accessible healthcare services to poor communities using our state of art healthcare technology.
Our Christian Faith Founded and friendly clinic and reputation for outstanding clinical care by our qualified doctors and a continuous investment in modern facilities and technology makes us the best.
Boundless Love Medical provides effective,healthcare for all its patients who are vulnerable in the area. We offer high value treatments and services in a serene environment.
We value and continually improve our services as the Lord leads us and provides through any willing supporters. This ensures our services are always based on best practice and that we are focused on delivering patient-centered care at all times.